Get Involved

Our work has shown the promise of smart collaboration and deep partnership between artists and movement organizations.

What’s next?

We want to involve more artists, more movement partners, and more organizers. We hope you will join us.

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Our Current Campaigns

Freedom to vote

In 2020 voters turned out in record numbers to have our voices heard. In the months that followed, certain politicians peddled electoral lies that fueled a deadly attack on our Capitol. Now, many of these same leaders have doubled-down and are erecting new barriers to voting. We need to go all in for all of us, joining together with people from all walks of life to make a better future. We move forward together to protect the freedom to vote.

Climate justice

#ClimateWoke, highlights the experiences of the frontline communities most impacted by climate change and environmental devastation. Artists use satire, comedy, and critical hope to amplify these realities, and offer collective solutions for a more sustainable future.


Big transformation calls for a mass movement of support and persuasive communications. Storytelling provides the path to get there. Shifting the narrative on immigration (an act and policy) to immigrants (people), requires content that is artistic in its approach, as well as honest and inspiring in its storytelling.